The Dark Shadows Wiki

Windcliff Sanitarim was a medical facility located in Collinsport, Maine. Dr. Julia Hoffman was a psychiatrist and blood specialist working at Windcliff in 1967. Maggie Evans received treatment at Windcliff twice, the first time after escaping from Barnabas Collins in 1967 (261) and the second after being terrorized by the ghost of Gerard Stiles in 1970 (1107). We can assume that since history was changed by Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman in 1840, preventing the appearance of Gerard's ghost, Maggie's second hospitalization was erased from history to match the new timeline. Willie Loomis was also sent to Windcliff in 1967 (329) after he was framed by Barnabas for Maggie's abduction. He was released from Windcliff in 1968.
