The Dark Shadows Wiki
This article belongs to the continuity of the Dark Shadows movies.

Ulysses was the name of a thoroughbred horse that lived in the Stables stables at the Collinwood estate in Collinsport, Maine. In June of 1971, Quentin Collins took Ulysses out for a ride. He ran across the stable-hand, Gerard Stiles, while simultaneously suffering from a vision of his past life as Charles Collins. Ulysses reared, throwing Quentin to the ground. Quentin injured his leg and walked with a limp for the rest of the afternoon.


  • Quentin mistakenly believed the horse’s name to be Dubloon. Dubloon was actually the name of a horse owned by Charles Collins in 1810.
  • Ulysses was named in the shooting script of Night of Dark Shadows only. His name was never used in the final print of the film.


Night of Dark Shadows
