The Dark Shadows Wiki

There are many factual errors in this entry. Isn't anyone checking what's written?

the DS wiki relies on the collaborative effort of all users. as such, in the nearly 20 years of the site's existence, there have been over 500 contributors to the thousands of pages, all with varying levels of "expertise" of DS ranging everywhere from "first time viewers" to "seen all DS-related media multiple times" to "i don't know a thing about DS and just go around editing random wikis". as a community, we do our best. but we do rely on everyone to contribute.

with that repeated, after quickly looking through the page, i don't see anything that is glaringly obvious as being erroneous, although it has been a few years since i've last watched House of Dark Shadows, so perhaps i'm a bit rusty on that knowledge. NS200101010 (talk) 12:59, 26 March 2024 (UTC)
