The Dark Shadows Wiki

Day 2 of Dark Shadows spans episodes 4 to 20, covering Victoria Winters's first encounter with her charge, David Collins, up to David's father's car crash and the fallout from it.

Assuming the earliest given date in the series, October 26, 1967 in Episode 189, Day 2 was September 11.

Detailed Timeline of Events

Episode 4

  • 2:00 am: Victoria is roused from sleep by the sound of a woman weeping. She follows the noise downstairs, finding nobody. On her way back, she is startled by David on the stairs. He abruptly tells her he hates her.

Episode 5

  • 8:30 am:
    • Carolyn discovers Victoria packing her bags. She despairs to see her new friend leaving after only one night. Victoria agrees to explain things over coffee.
    • David watches them go, slipping into Victoria's room. He looks out the window, calling grimly for his mother, before pounding on Victoria's suitcase to break the lock.
  • 8:40 am: In the dining room, Victoria tells Carolyn about her encounter with David and the crying she heard. Carolyn claims to have heard nothing.
    • Roger enters with the mail, including a letter for Victoria from the foundling home. He apologizes to her for his behavior. On his way out, Victoria asks Roger if he heard any crying. Roger hesitates, but eventually says she must have been dreaming.
  • 8:45 am: David seizes all Victoria's clothes from the dresser and begins piling them into her bag.
    • Victoria reads her letter and announces she has just enough time for a look at the view before packing her things. Nothing Carolyn's rough dismissal of Victoria's 'home life', Vicky tells Carolyn about her dearth of a past, her lack of family, and how she took this job hoping to find some clues. She tells Carolyn not to envy her, because she at least knows who she is.
  • 9:10 am: Victoria walks out to the cliffs and is approached by Sam Evans who, without introduction, tells her to go home...but not without telling Roger he was looking for him. Sam tells her the story of Josette Collins and how her ghost can still be heard weeping of a night. Victoria doesn't tell him what she heard, claiming that she doesn't believe in ghosts. Sam tells her ghosts are real, living

and dead, adding Elizabeth may as well be one, as she hasn't left Collinwood in 18 years..

  • 9:20 am:
    • Victoria returns to Carolyn and asks her why she didn't tell her about her mother. Carolyn admits, on the verge of tears, that Elizabeth has been waiting all this time for her husband to come back.
    • Struck by an idea, Carolyn chases Vicky upstairs and points out the mysterious checks began coming for her 18 years ago. Maybe there's a connection.
  • 9:30 am: Victoria enters her room to find her luggage a shambles. She is confronted by David, who has found her letter, which he reads to her over and over before crumpling it into a ball and throwing it to the floor. He says the widows told him to send her away.
  • 9:35 am: Carolyn rejoins Victoria, who agrees that her theory is far-fetched...but she'll stay all the same.
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