From March 1971 to March 1972, the Newspaper Enterprise Association syndicated a daily Dark Shadows newspaper comic strip which appeared in newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, the New York Daily News, the Denver Post, and many more. The weekday and Saturday strips were printed in black and white while the Sunday strips were printed in color. Beautifully illustrated by Kenneth Bruce Bald, the strip featured six storylines. The comic strip's story editor was Elliot Caplin although its writer remains unknown.
Comic Strip Storylines[]
Title | Released |
Revenge | March 14, 1971-May 16, 1971 |
A Vision of Isis | May 16, 1971-July 11, 1971 |
The Werewolf | July 11, 1971-September 12, 1971 |
Mr. Sinestra | September 12, 1971-November 7, 1971 |
Desiree Kapora | November 7, 1971-Januray 2, 1972 |
Phantom Fire | January 2, 1972-March 11, 1972 |