The Dark Shadows Wiki

The Collins family was the biggest and wealthiest family in Collinsport. In addition to founding and naming the town, the family also owns the largest cannery and fishing fleet business in the area (1, 3).


17th Century[]

Their fortune was founded by Isaac Collins in the 1690s, after he crossed the ocean to land in Maine (17). Isaac also established the Collins Fishing Fleet and Cannery.

18th Century[]

Jeremiah Collins built a large mansion for the family called Collinwood atop Widows' Hill (2). Although it has been recorded that Jeremiah built Collinwood it was later shown in 1795 that Joshua Collins built Collinwood, having lived in what came to be known as the Old House previous to that time.

20th Century[]

In the mid-twentieth century, Elizabeth Collins Stoddard controlled all of the family's financial holdings (1). By 1967, half of the jobs in Collinsport came out of the Collins Enterprises (26). In addition to the two businesses, the family also owned several houses and buildings in town (27).

The family banker in 1967 was John Harris (42).


17th Century[]

18th Century[]

19th Century[]

20th Century[]

The following are referenced only:

Background information and notes[]
