The Dark Shadows Wiki

849 Gallery



Grayson Hall


Sam Hall


Lela Swift


September 25, 1969

849 Gallery
We have 37 images of Dark Shadows 849



The great estate of Collinwood at the turn of the century. And this night, one woman, new to the family, must seek out a man she loathes and fears. For she thinks he may have the answer to the mysterious events which have been happening to her.

Kitty Soames arrives at Petofi's lair, where she accuses him of planting the music box in her room to frighten her. Petofi admits that such would be his style, however he is not the guilty party. He suggests Kitty may have an admirer, possibly Quentin Collins. The music seems to have a strange effect on Kitty.

Quentin makes plans for Amanda to stay with Julia until they are ready to leave Collinsport together. When he asks Julia why she won't return to her own time, Julia claims there is still work for her to do. Aristede returns and tells Beth he is back for good. Quentin tells Kitty the music box belongs to Barnabas Collins. Kitty tells her she knows he is a vampire. Kitty wants to know why the music box was given to her. Aristede says he ran because Barnabas said he would kill him. He came back when he found out Barnabas was dead he shows Petofi that the bullet could not have missed Julia. Petofi poisons Julia's drink and says he is waiting for her to die. Petofi realizes Julia can not be killed in this time.

Memorable quotes

Julia: I don't drink with enemies.

Petofi: I'm a great believer in honesty.

Quentin: I'm in love with her and don't laugh at me.
Julia: I'm not laughing.

Petofi: To your enjoyment of 1897.

Dramatis personae

Background information and notes

Continuity and mistakes

  • Julia is preparing an injection. For whom? Barnabas is supposed to be dead...for good.

External links
