The Dark Shadows Wiki

45 Gallery



Victoria Winters


Francis Swann


Lela Swift


August 12, 1966


August 26, 1966



45 Gallery
We have 5 images of Dark Shadows 45

Bill talks with Burke and offers to help prove that he wasn’t guilty of manslaughter ten years ago if he leaves the Collins family alone (minus Roger). Carolyn shows Roger the pen that Burke gave her, Roger tells her to give it back; Roger ends up with the pen. Bill tells Burke to meet him at Roger’s office later that night, and he will help clear everything up.


My name is Victoria Winters. I have been swept up in the whirlpool of emotions that has, as its vortex, this great house called Collinwood. And others are swept along in the same inexorable tide.

Bill calls Burke on his interest in buying up the Collins properties. Bill calls Burke on his treachery and trickery after Burke again professes his innocence. Bill tells Burke he'll help him prove his innocence if he leaves Elizabeth alone. They talk about Roger and Burke tells Bill he's the most honest person he's ever known. Carolyn visits Roger at work and is impressed that he knows what is his job and what is Hanley's. Bill shows up and Carolyn leaves. Bill flatly states that he believes Liz kept Roger out of prison; Roger evades the matter. Bill tells Roger that Sam Evans knows something. Roger bluffs but after Bill leaves. Carolyn brags about her gift to Roger, who takes it from her with the supposition that he will return it to Burke. Later they make up and Carolyn admits she followed Burke to Bangor and refuses to accept Roger's offer to give her back the pen. Malloy sets up a meeting with Burke at Roger's office at 11 PM to show his hold card.

Memorable quotes

Dramatis personae

Background information and notes

  • Roger's office at the cannery makes its first appearance.
  • 15 to 16 years ago Bill gave Burke his first job and paid him a man's wages.

Bloopers and continuity errors

  • In the clapboard sequence, we hear two people talking about something small.
  • Burke does something odd with his waistband and his hand: is that a cue card in it?
  • Carolyn reads from the family history: Josette's last name is not Dupres. Josette and Jermiah existed in the year 1830. As far as the original Dark Shadows universe is concerned, Josette will be shown to die in 1795. However, when the series moves over to parallel time, Josette is still alive in 1830.
  • Crane shadow.