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Ron Sproat


John Sedwick

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We have 1 images of Dark Shadows 194

Liz worries about her return to Collinwood, while Carolyn wonders why her mother was so desparate to return.



My name is Victoria Winters. The afternoon sun is bright over Collinwood, a cold, fresh wind blows in from the sea. The great house is quiet and peaceful at last, and many fears that once existed have been laid to rest. But traces of fear do remain, especially in the mind of a small boy.

David, wearing his Sunday best, is trembling with anticipation to see Liz, whom Roger left with from Boston very early this morning. David admits that he's a little afraid because he remembers how Liz looked and that is what gives him his fear.

Act I

Vicki reassures David; the car pulls up. Liz and Carolyn come up to the house, and Liz hugs both Vicki and David, who are relieved to see her. Roger wants to put Liz to bed, and Carolyn reminds her that those were the doctor's orders. Tomorrow Liz can give the orders. Vicki takes Liz upstairs; Carolyn asks Roger how the business is doing, concerned about Liz's sudden panic. Roger assures her that the business is thriving, and speculates that David was the reason Liz wanted to return. Carolyn negates this with evidence, and recalls the fever with which Liz wished to be kept at Collinwood prior to and during her attacks. Roger admits that though they are siblings, he lacks much in the understandings of Liz's inner workings. Carolyn wonders why Liz never left the house in 18 years.

Act II

Upstairs, David tells Liz about how much he learned while Liz was gone. Laura taught him a lot about ships; she learned it from her father, who captained a fishing ship. Laura was smarter than David thought she'd be. He admits to missing Laura; David is glad to be at Collinwood. Vicki knocks and tells David that dinner's ready; he wants to take it à la carte here at Liz's room. Liz bids him leave; she and Vicki speak privately. Liz is glad David has only fond memories of his mother; Vicki recaps the scenario and they are both grateful. Vicki speaks of Dr. Guthrie's death; Liz inquires about the investigation Guthrie conducted. She is upset that it happened at Collinwood, and learns that Guthrie's fingering Laura was the result of a deductive process. Liz queries about Guthrie's time spent in the closed-off wing, the attic, and the basement, in each of which he spent considerable time per Vicki. Liz looks pale to Vicki; Liz claims she's tired and needs rest.


Later, Roger catches Liz en route out of her room and scolds her. Liz doesn't like being fussed over, preferring to be the fusser. Roger likes that Liz is back and admits admiration for Carolyn's running of the house. Liz asks how Roger feels about Laura. Roger finds it hard to believe that the woman who perished was Laura—he doesn't know what kind of a creature it was. Roger believes everything is fine now. Liz asks about the things she was wearing before being taken to the hospital in Boston. A certain necklace with a key at the end of it was removed from around Liz's neck and placed in her dresser drawer. Roger admits curiosity about the key and gets a cold icy stare. Roger laughs it off, but Liz coolly states "I don't question you. I think it's a wise policy for both of us." Downstairs, Carolyn and Vicki discuss Liz's reluctance to leave Collinwood; Vicki reminds Carolyn of what she told her in 5 about her waiting for her missing husband. Carolyn no longer believes this because of the look on Liz's face when she woke up. Vicki points out that Liz was out for five weeks (since Liz was hospitalized in 161). Carolyn admits some validity in Vicki's statements but thinks Liz carries a hidden burden that forced her back to Collinwood; she wants to know what it is so she can help her.

Act IV

The clock strikes 2:30AM. Liz goes to the basement and spends about 10 minutes in a locked room down there. She is startled by Vicki, who came down to investigate noises which turned out to be Liz. Liz receives a scolding from Vicki for disobeying doctor's orders. Liz claims to have been checking on the house. Vicki assures Liz that no one was in the locked room; Liz unintentionally snaps at her then immediately apologizes. Vicki has Liz's confidence, enough to be trusted that she won't tell anyone about seeing Liz in the basement this night. Liz asserts that her reasons for keeping the basement visit a secret have nothing to do with Vicki. Vicki agrees; Liz worries.

Memorable quotes

  • Elizabeth Collins Stoddard: "Vicki, you know that I am fond of you, don't you? More than fond. And I think I can trust you. I can trust you, can't I?"

Dramatis personae

Background information and notes

  • This episode takes place roughly in the afternoon of October 28.
  • The original videotaped master of this episode has been lost, however a filmed kinescope copy does exist.

Continuity and mistakes
