Howdy. I should'a done this a l-o-n-g time ago. Too busy looking around everywhere else. I definitely mine this site of all pertinent data to get what I'm putting together correct. Unfortunately I was already starved socially so I thought looking through social networks would be the ticket for support. That's a joke as some of you likely are aware. Well, if I can't get some sociability out of my own work I might as well be constructive adding to wikias with all my studies. Beats being idle!
Anyway, I'm sure I'm somewhat known as the creator to the Multi-Fandom radio drama mainly based on the original Dark Shadows. Hope I haven't irritated anyone to high heaven, but then again I'm home mostly on my own and very often intoxicated so I will make my best attempt at presuming if I am harped on by anyone nice, perhaps they are also neglected and intoxicated.
Over all, I want the facts, the details, the accuracy and mostly I do screen shots while watching Dark Shadows anyway. Let me know where I can put them. Got some great ones of Constable Carter exceptionally miffed about the mustard on his ham sandwich from the deli.