I wonder how many young girls aside from myself had a mad crush on David Henesy back in the 1960s!!
I wonder how many young girls aside from myself had a mad crush on David Henesy back in the 1960s!!
David was pretty young in the series until about the last two years where he became a teenager. Most guys don't start dating girls until their 15 or 16 years old. Maybe at 14 or 15 a school danceÂ
Collinsport didn't offer a very active social life, especially for someone as young as David. He was also home schooled, so not much contact with others his own age. It's acknowledged around the early 300's that Sarah is the only person his own age he has to play with, probably why he put up with her odd habit of appearing and vanishing when it suited her. David is a pretty sheltered child, with Elizabeth, Carolyn and Vicki looking out for him, and the TV show left the present day before David developed an interest in girls. Besides, who knows what he'd end up dating in Collinsport? A teenage version of his own mother? Now that would really add to Roger's incestors flub!
He grew into a handsome boy over the course of the show, and he was a damn fine actor. His portrayal of Jamison possessed by Count Petofi was particularly impressive imo. He had to channel Thayer David, which I'm sure wasn't easy, and with the exception of Denise Nickerson--who showed up now and again--he was the only kid on the show. So basically here he was, a kid surrounded by adults, playing the main antagonist, and holding his own. I already knew he was talented, but he became one of my favorites after that.Â
But imagine you're 13 with hair down there, and your costar is 17 and pretty, and you have to ride a rocking horsey in front of her on network TV. And play with dolls. And her character is as dumb as they come. And you are sole heir to this huge estate, know nothing about business, or social life, or the world we live in, and you don't even have a television, and the best you can do is go outside and play.
Might as well drop script, put on black leather gloves, and have some mineral water, for the digestion. At this point, you've already had a hot plate lunch making station in the building, so you might as well just drop out and start a restaurant. Because acting is for sissies. Chefs are real men who don't sit in a makeup chair. And they create.
That's how I see his mindset at the end.
Would you like to hear about our specials? They're really something, today.
Might as well drop script, put on black leather gloves, and have some mineral water, for the digestion. At this point, you've already had a hot plate lunch making station in the building, so you might as well just drop out and start a restaurant. Because acting is for sissies. Chefs are real men who don't sit in a makeup chair. And they create.
That's how I see his mindset at the end.
Would you like to hear about our specials? They're really something, today.
I've never seen or read anything as to why he decided to leave the show, but if that was his reasoning, I can't say I really blame him. I'm a pretty forgiving viewer (I'm able to suspend disbelief fairly easily), but even I was like "Seriously? At his age?" when he was on the rocking horse. His character should have evolved more as he got older. And the whole Tad and Carrie possession thing was really just a rehash of the Quentin's ghost story. Thinking back on it, David's character did get possessed a lot. It got to the point where it was happening in every storyline. Henesy always handled it professionally, at least from what I could tell, but I understand how after a while it would get tiring.Â
Still a damn good child actor though, in my opinion.Â
He's in Panama.
Menu's good, too.
Wish I could go sometime!
Henesy was one of the top actors IMHO. Cute as a puppy, too. I'm four days older than him so we kind of grew up together. He mostly remembered his lines every time. I can't recall ever seeing him turn to read the cue cards.